Shift Nudge
It costs more to hire new people than it does to invest in your current team.
- ✓Take your design team’s skills to the NEXT LEVEL from a problem solving and a visual design perspective.
- ✓Making FASTER design decisions as a team with a deeper understanding of foundational principles.
- ✓Increase PRODUCTIVITY with clearly articulated design decisions between product teams and stakeholders.
The amount of people at Figma enrolled in Shift Nudge makes me so happy. Particularly the idea that people can develop and cultivate skills together rather than alone. Doing things in groups is motivating!

Noah Levin ↗
VP of Design • Figma
I paid 10s of 1000s of $$ to learn design at a college and the knowledge they shared PALES /pales/ in comparison to what MDS has done with Shift Nudge. Shift Nudge is an unparalleled resource for learning design.

Joel Hooks ↗
If you’re one of the many people who has DMd me asking how they can learn UI design, check out Shift Nudge by MDS! Happy to have something to recommend to people! Great work Matt 👏🏻

Charli Marie ↗
Creative Director • ConvertKit